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 Reptile (new) Laws in Spain

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Grande pédagogue

Nombre de messages : 4969
Age : 46
Localisation : Paris. 60, de temps à autre.
Nombre de serpents : 4 -_-"'
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2008

Reptile (new)  Laws in Spain Empty
MessageSujet: Reptile (new) Laws in Spain   Reptile (new)  Laws in Spain Icon_minitimeDim 3 Aoû - 11:47

Laws are regulated by the Autonomous Communities (Comunidades Autónomas), which impose a wide variety of rules and regulations within the country.

In general, the following are considered as dangerous animals and owned under specific conditions:

Wild animals including: reptiles (alligators, crocodiles and poisonous snakes), any wild animal weighing over two kilograms, poisonous fish and mammals weighing over 10 Kg when adult.

Note: From October 2008, residents in Andalucía are forbidden from owning exotic or wild animals as pets. Residents have six months to declare their pets at the local town hall and deliver them to the designated authorised establishment. Owners that fail to meet the October 2008 deadline will face a fine.

The ban applies to:

Crocodiles, caimans, poisonous amphibians and fish, snakes, spiders and insects
All species of reptile that weigh over 2 kilograms when fully-grown
(All primates and wild mammal species that weigh more than 10 kilograms as adults (for carnivores this is limit is 5 kilograms)
All dog, cat and ferret owners in Andalucía are required to register their animals on the Animal Identification Registry of Andalucía (Registro Andaluz de Identificación Animal, RAIA). Owners have three months to register their pets, except for those with a potentially dangerous breed of dog who have one month to obtain the necessary licence.)

For additional information, click here. (This is a Spanish link, though... ^^)

This new legislation is food for thought.... :/
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Reptile (new) Laws in Spain
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